Outreach and Partnerships
The many DeSci communities. Registering companies.
Creating a community focused on publishing scientific articles and promoting decentralized science is not a long term outreaching goal. Community growth could benefit from various outreach strategies and potential partnerships, such as:
Academic Institutions: Collaborate with universities, research institutions, and scientific societies to establish partnerships. These organizations often have established networks of researchers, access to resources, and expertise in scientific publishing. Partnering with them could help raise awareness about our community and attract members.
Open Access Initiatives: Engage with organizations and initiatives that promote open access to scientific research. Open access publishers, such as Public Library of Science (PLOS) and BioMed Central, might be interested in collaborating to promote the open dissemination of research findings. Their expertise in open access publishing can support our community's goals.
Technology Platforms: Leverage existing technology platforms that facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing. Platforms like ResearchGate, Academia.edu, and Mendeley have extensive user bases comprising researchers from various disciplines. Partnering with these platforms can help reach a wider audience and attract researchers interested in decentralized science.
Citizen Science Networks: Explore partnerships with citizen science networks and organizations that involve the public in scientific research. These collaborations can foster engagement between professional researchers and citizen scientists, promoting decentralized science and expanding the impact of our community.
Funding Agencies and Grant Providers: Establish connections with funding agencies and organizations that support scientific research. These entities often seek to promote open science and innovative approaches to knowledge dissemination. Collaborating with them can provide opportunities for funding, resources, and increased visibility.
Scientific Journals and Publishers: Collaborate with reputable scientific journals and publishers interested in embracing open science practices. Some journals have already adopted open access policies or decentralized review processes. By partnering with them, we can encourage the publication of articles from our community and help drive the transition towards more inclusive and transparent publishing practices.
Industry Partnerships: Seek partnerships with companies or industries related to scientific research. Industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and environmental science might be interested in supporting decentralized science initiatives. They can provide financial support, resources, or even collaborate on research projects.
Intellectual Property platforms and companies: Can help authors to understand the need and importance and file/ register for data protection straight from our publishing platform.
Science Communication Platforms: Engage with science communication platforms, science journalists, and popular science websites. Collaborating with these entities can help promote the research findings published by our community to a broader audience, increasing the visibility and impact of the work.
Each potential partnership should align with the values and goals of our own community. Establishing strong relationships with like-minded organizations can amplify our outreach efforts and contribute to the growth and success of our community.
Last updated
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